Repair, Service and Maintenance of Health & Disability equipment across the Central North Island, Coromandel and Waikato.




Servicing Health & Disability equipment across Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Coromandel and Taupō.

Mobility Equipment & Services’ team of mobile service technicians are the Ministry of Health and ACC’s preferred provider. Our team are experienced specialists and all our work is compliant with health & safety legislation and safety regulations to AUS/NZ Standards 3760 and 3551. Whether you need the smallest fix or complex servicing of electronic medical equipment, we can help



Mobility Equipment & Services’ team of mobile service technicians are the Ministry of Health and ACC’s preferred provider. Our team are experienced specialists and all our work is compliant with health & safety legis- lation and safety regulations.



Mobility Equipment & Services’ team of mobile service technicians are the Ministry of Health and ACC’s preferred provider. Our team are experienced specialists and all our work is compliant with health & safety legis- lation and safety regulations.


Mobility Equipment & Services has one simple aim – to be New Zealand’s most respected provider of services and hire products to help.

Our specialist team work hard to understand your needs and concerns, then deliver prompt, safe solutions, giving those with physical impairment greater personal confidence, freedom and independence.

Whether you own disability equipment or have received equipment funded by the Ministry of Health or ACC, Mobility & Equipment Services is here to help. We have been the authorised repair and maintenance provider for equipment owned by MOH and ACC, and those in the community, since 2000.

Our team of experienced, highly trained technicians have specialist skills, servicing, repairing and modifying thousands of pieces of disability, medical and hospital equipment.


Beds &


Jocelyn & George Morrison, Gate Pa

We’re very pleased with my new model. We’re getting one for George too. My old scooter had no suspension and was hard on my spine. My new one from MES is so much better! George says his old scooter rides like a block dray with wooden wheels, but the new one is much smoother and easier to control too.

Between us, we’ve had 7 scooters over the last 13 years. They’re very economical. The big advantage though is the convenience and independence they give us.

The team at MES are very, very good. My battery went flat once and they came out straight away with a replacement. Not that the batteries run out quickly – our last lot have lasted seven years. We couldn’t do without our scooters. They’re our independence.

Stella Posa, Greerton

I was scared stiff – I didn’t think I’d be able to use it! The staff from Mobility Equipment & Services walked behind me as I gave it a try and by the time I’d got to the end of the road I was away laughing!

I’ve had a few problems with my joints and my back. Before I got my scooter I was finding I could walk down to the shops alright but was too sore to get home again. I’d seen other people on their scooters and they looked like such a great idea but I was worried – I’d never even driven a car before. Would I be able to drive the scooter?

Really, the scooter couldn’t be easier to use. You really do just turn the key and then you’re away. I’ve just had a canopy put on mine, for the sun. It’s wonderful. I wouldn’t be without it now. My scooter’s the best thing since sliced bread!

Ron Carroll-Belk, Gate Pa

Scooters are a great means of transport for anyone without a driver’s licence. I had a bit of a fall and so I’m not able to drive any more. The scooter’s been a great alternative for me. I’d not be able to get round much at all without my scooter. They’re a great invention, that’s for sure.

I can get to Greerton or the city inside of half an hour and I don’t need to find a carpark. I can go straight into the supermarket and just put what I need in the basket.

A scooter’s the answer for anyone without a car.

Moira MacDonald, Greerton

My social life would be seriously hampered without my scooter. Before I had my mobility scooter I was reliant on my mum or my friends for transport, or else the wheelchair taxi.

I really wanted more freedom and independence.

One day I saw a mobility scooter outside a chemist and decided I wanted to give it a try. It didn’t take long at all to get the hang of it, and I love it now.

I can go into town, to the shops, to the movies, meet friends for coffee – whenever I like. I’m really looking forward to when the buses can take scooters then I’ll be going to the Mount and over to Bayfair.

The freedom it gives me is fantastic.

June Schutt, Tauranga

There’s no need to worry about breaking down. Scooters are such great little machines – breaking down is unlikely – but even if it happened, you just call MES and they’d come out in their wee van and get you, quick as a flash. The team at MES are so lovely. They treat you with respect. I think they’re wonderful.

The scooter’s made such a difference in my life. It means I don’t have to depend on anyone and I can keep in touch with people (I love people!). In the winter I just wrap up warm and off I go. I go a long way too – from Fraser Street to Cherrywood and back, no problem at all.

I bring all sorts of things home with me from my travels. I’m beginning to think I need a trailer! When I go to collect my wood from Mitre 10 I joke with the fellows up there that I’m going to do burnouts in their yard and we have a good old laugh.

My scooter’s very reliable. I charge it up overnight and it takes me for miles. I wouldn’t do without it.

Irene King

If I’d known then, what I know now, I’d have bought this model the first time round – it’s tops! The team at Mobility Scooters helped me try out different models until I’d settled on the one that suited me the best. I’ve had scooters for three years now. They’re really good.

My “Shoprider Deluxe” is perfect for me. It scuttles up the hills well and I’ve had a bigger basket put on the front for my dog Katie.

Katie and I go everywhere on my scooter. People I don’t even know say “Oh you’re the lady with the red scooter with the dog in the basket”. Katie gets excited about our trips.

What’s good about the “Shoprider Deluxe” model? Everything!

Don Harvey

The cost is nothing compared to the freedom I’ve got back in my life. I have to admit I was a bit worried about the cost of the scooter but it’s been worth every cent for the freedom and independence I’ve got back in my life.

I used to rely on my wife for everything – she was the gopher in our household. Now it’s round the other way!

I can go anywhere I like, any time I want to. I can go into the supermarkets with my scooter. I could go to the Mount if I wanted to!

I’ve only had it a month but it’s made such a difference in our lives. Worth every penny.

CJ, Tauranga

The cost is nothing compared to the freedom I’ve got back in my life. I have to admit I was a bit worried about the cost of the scooter but it’s been worth every cent for the freedom and independence I’ve got back in my life.

I used to rely on my wife for everything – she was the gopher in our household. Now it’s round the other way!

I can go anywhere I like, any time I want to. I can go into the supermarkets with my scooter. I could go to the Mount if I wanted to!

I’ve only had it a month but it’s made such a difference in our lives. Worth every penny.

JB, Katikati

I hired a wheelchair, ramp and hospital bed from Mobility Equipment & Services team while I completed my recovery from back surgery. Nolan helped me best understand what equipment I needed and had it delivered to my home by the end of the day. A service technician set it up for me to reflect my specialists requirements. This service was super convenient and easy and removed the stress of my family having to source and collect equipment on my behalf. I couldn’t be happier.

Grant Hetherington

Invacare New Zealand Limited

I am writing to recommend the services of Mobility Equipment & Services Limited who have worked closely with Invacare New Zealand since the year 2000, providing back-up service and maintenance on various pieces of disability equipment supplied by Invacare New Zealand to people with disabilities throughout New Zealand, both in the private sector or through funding supplied by the Ministry of Health and ACC.

MES have always conducted themselves with the utmost integrity and have ensured service requests are handled in a punctual and professional manner with an obligation that the client maintains their safety and independence at all time. Service technicians have always maintained open lines of communication with Invacare New Zealand seeking assistance and necessary training to ensure service requests are completed in a timely manner. They are a dedicated service provider that can be flexible and respond to complex requests. They have excellent technical skills and empathy to client needs.

Mike Van Honk

Rangiura Retirement Village and Care Home

We have been using Mobility Equipment and Services at our Care Home for the past 2 years for annual compliance checks of beds, hoists, hoist rails and other equipment around the home. Additional to this we have used MES for reactive repairs to equipment where required.
I have found Debs and her team to be professional, polite, respectful and trustworthy, they are quick to identify good solutions when we have an issue and are always helpful and available on the phone should I have a question or problem I need advice with. If we need them on site they are always able to fit us in promptly.
Scope of works is always discussed in advance, any variations well communicated, and a follow up meeting undertaken to ensure no issues remain and we are happy. We now have MES booked in for the same week each year for our compliance and I am happy to recommend them.