Scooter FAQs

Are you or your loved one considering buying or hiring a mobility scooter? We know there can be a lot to get your head around (and there’s a lot of information out there) so we’ve compiled a list of super-handy answers to the most common questions. If you can’t find the answer you need here, click here to get in touch and we’ll help you out.
We don’t sell mobility scooters, you can contact our friends at Life Unlimited for that. Once you’ve got your scooter, MES are your go-to specialists for servicing and repairs.

How often should a mobility scooter be serviced?
We recommend a new scooter is serviced six months after date of purchase and then every 12 months. Older mobility scooters should be serviced every 12 months.

Can I ride my mobility scooter in the rain?
We recommend you do not take your mobility scooter out on very wet days. The odd shower shouldn’t pose a problem, though your mobility scooter should never be ridden through puddles at high speed or through long, wet grass.

How far will my mobility scooter take me with fully charged batteries?
This answer varies, depending on the scooter, though we’d say 20km to be safe. Your mobility scooter manual may say further, though you need to take into account things like the number of hills, weather conditions, rider weight and the age of the batteries.

Can I ride my mobility scooter on the road?
Only to cross the road. Mobility scooters are not motor vehicles and must be ridden on footpaths whenever possible.

I have seen a neat rack that fits on to the back of a mobility scooter – do you hire out these accessories? And can you fit them?
Yes – we stock quite a few different types of mobility scooter accessories which we can fit for you. If you have a specific request for something we do not have, give us a ring on 0800 72 12 12 we will do our best to source it for you.

My mobility scooter is getting slower and the batteries do not last long, even when fully charged. What can I do to make it new again?
Mobility scooter batteries normally last 2-3 years. If your batteries are this old, it is possible they need replacing. If the batteries are fine, the mobility scooter or battery charger may have a fault. Click here to request a repair or service and one of our technicians will sort you out as soon as possible.

What makes a good mobility scooter?
Quality – something that has a strong chassis, suspension which softens those hard bumps (this is particularly important for someone with back injuries or a disability), a solid body that does not flex, and a reliable brand. i.e. one that has been on the market for a number of years, with a proven track record.

I never learnt to drive – should I try a mobility scooter before I buy one?
Definitely – it is important for anyone who buys a mobility scooter to have a home demonstration. You need to feel confident you can drive it around the areas you intend to use it. Mobility scooters are easier to drive than a bike. You can hire mobility scooters from MES and our technicians are more than happy to deliver and give you training before you use it. Give us a ring on 0800 72 12 12 to discuss your needs.

I bought a mobility scooter from someone else. Can you service it?
Absolutely – MES is the largest mobility scooter service company in the Bay of Plenty. We’ll service anything.

I have seen some very cheap new mobility scooters on the market. Why are some so much more expensive?
There are many models of mobility scooters to choose from and, yes, some are cheaper. However, you may find the quality of cheaper mobility scooters is often unknown, as they are fairly new to the New Zealand market. Cheaper mobility scooters generally come with a 12 month warranty, whereas more expensive ones often come with warranties of up to five years. Remember, you get what you pay for.

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